Refund Policy

See also:

This refund policy sets out how DeanDashboard can refund payments for services.

DeanDashboard offer paid services for education providers - companies who offer online courses education.

DeanDashboard supports 2 types of paid services - a monthly subscription and a year-long service.

Monthly subscription

In case of monthly subscription a customer can ask to refund the last payment if he asks for this in 5 buiness days after a payment and stop a subscription. It means if a customer subscribed and used a service for 5 months and after 5-th payment desides to stop using the service then he has to notify us not more then 5 days after the payment. And his last subsription payment will be refunded. The customer should send email to, describe his refund reason and his credentials (an account username).

If a customer wants to stop his subscription after some time but doesn't need a refund then he can just cancel a subscription using an account he paid with and the payment gateway. Or he can send us an email to with a request to stop a subscription.

Year-long service

In case of year-long type service a customer does one time payment. In this case the payment can be refunded if a user asks for refund during 25 business days after the payment date. The customer should send an email to with refund request and his account credentials (an account username).